03 (March 2017)

The One True Story

The One True Story
Frederick Hodgson Frederick lives in Whitby.
01 March, 2017 1 min read

This book aims to show that the events of the first Christmas mark the climax of the historical and prophetic narratives of the Old Testament. These commenced at creation and in the Fall of Adam, continuing on at the appearing of the ‘last Adam’.

Beginning in Genesis, the ‘Hope of the Nations’ is described with the imaginative title of the ‘Dragon Slayer’. The Saviour is shown to be the only manifestation of humanity that displayed the attributes of God, in terms of perfect wisdom, justice and righteousness. However, judgment fell on Jesus as he ‘dies, cursed on a tree, under darkness, seemingly abandoned by God’ (p.143).

In 24 short daily messages, the author warmly but engagingly demonstrates that our failure is met in the Lord Jesus Christ. He suggests readings from 22 books of the Bible and his theology is Christ-centred, heart-warming and rich (though perhaps at times imaginative).

The book has contemporary illustrations from family life, which make it attractive to read. Occasional references to movies may be lost on those unfamiliar with them.

It is hard to see how readers of this inexpensive book would not be stimulated to pursue the themes of grace, judgment, faith, salvation, sin, temptation and the ‘true people of God’, as they are developed in the biblical story from beginning to end.

The book has a modern style, but includes quotations from a wide range of Christians who lived in earlier centuries. This is particularly true of the quotations of Christians used to illustrate the themes of each chapter at their close. The ‘One True Story’ is not a newly invented story and is relevant to each person who engages with it.

Frederick Hodgson


Frederick lives in Whitby.
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