
The story of a Christian martyr changed my life

The story of a Christian martyr changed my life
Susannah Daubney
Susannah Daubney
28 November, 2024 4 min read

The wonderful thing about someone’s testimony of how God has worked in their life is that it never really ends. The Lord continues to change and teach those who follow him, far beyond the first days of belief. He has been there for me through many ups and downs, and he continues to encourage and rebuke me when I need it.

I am blessed to say that I grew up in a godly Christian home. Now an adult myself, I love my parents even more for how they brought me up. They taught me the ways of the Lord and showed me that I could not go to heaven based on their own relationship with God or from good deeds alone.

As a child, I feared hell immensely – I couldn’t comprehend what hell really was, but I knew that if I wasn’t a Christian and had my sins forgiven, I would go there. What made the thought worse was that my believing family would be apart from me and in heaven. From an early age, I therefore began to seek after God in order to be free from the fear of hell.

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