Travel through Wales

Travel through Wales
Stuart Fisher
Stuart Fisher Stuart is an elder at Hope Church in Ferndown. He is married to Liz and they have three grown up children and four grandchildren.
01 February, 2016 1 min read

As we pulled up beside the gates of a small chapel, one of my sons quipped, ‘So, which dead preacher’s grave are we visiting now?’ If only I had possessed this book, wrong turnings would have been avoided and my son’s frustration diminished. In my defence, it was an extremely wet Sunday afternoon and we were in the Brecon Beacons near to the bygone labours of Howell Harris!

This book follows the pattern of Day One’s successful series of Christian travel books. Its intention is to enhance your holiday with spiritual insights to places and people significant in church history.

The book divides Wales into geographical zones and works through them, chapter by chapter. As we travel through the land we are led by experienced and enthusiastic guides to places of interest. Here the birthplace of a great preacher, there the location of a revival, with much more besides. The book celebrates the diversity of talents used in church history for God’s honour and glory.

The book will appeal to Welsh Christians, but breaks beyond boundaries. In this relatively small country, we see the hand of an incredibly gracious God enriching the land with his blessings. This is a book to be enjoyed by all Christians. It will not only inform holidaymakers of God’s reviving work in Welsh history, but provide fresh hope that the same could happen again, either in Wales or further afield.

After reading this I was inspired to re-read the lives of some of the great preachers and revivals associated with them. This was not to dwell in the past with antiquarian satisfaction, but to beg God to ‘do it again’.

The famous Welsh Puritan, Walter Cradoc, once spoke of revival in his time as ‘fire in the thatch’. How it should cause us to long for a similar fire! I may have a Welsh bias, but if you have an interest in great preaching, revivals and a longing to see God work again then read this book. It will be a tonic.

Stuart Fisher


Stuart Fisher
Stuart is an elder at Hope Church in Ferndown. He is married to Liz and they have three grown up children and four grandchildren.
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