
‘Victimised’ school chaplain takes legal action against ‘malicious’ headteacher

‘Victimised’ school chaplain takes legal action against ‘malicious’ headteacher
Bernard Randall | Christian Legal Centre
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
11 January, 2024 2 min read

A Christian school chaplain is taking legal action against a ‘vindictive’ headteacher who reported him to the teaching regulator.

Revd Dr Bernard Randall, 51, claims headteacher Mr Bill Penty subjected him to victimisation, continued harassment, and discrimination on the grounds of his Christian beliefs.

It all started in 2019 when Randall preached a sermon about identity politics to pupils at Trent College in Derbyshire.

In the sermon, which came after a LGBT group had visited the school, Randall said it is okay for school pupils to question LGBT ideology. But he was later sacked by the school, even though it claimed to have a ‘Christian’ ethos.

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