
When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll

When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll
Credit: Grace Publicatio
Roger March Roger is an elder at Wolverton Evangelical Church
21 September, 2023 1 min read

Author: Brad Franklin
Publisher: Grace Publications
220 pages
Purchase from: Grace Publications (£14)

This book is born out of a major family tragedy. Brad Franklin’s wife, suddenly taken ill, was at the point of death while seven months pregnant with their seventh child. This is a moving story, but much more than a story. Published four years after the event, its purpose is to help and encourage Christians to handle grief in a God-honouring way. It is a practical theology set in the context of a real-life drama. 

Uninhibited about revealing his feelings, Franklin takes the reader through his own reflections as the sequence of events unfolded. Then, with reference to Scripture, he sets out an appropriate and spiritual response to each situation.

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