Youth Supplement – Challenged to think – Becca Bridge

Becca Bridge
01 July, 2007 1 min read

Challenged to think

I gave my life to Jesus when I was 7 years old – in a maths lesson at school! Earlier, I had been talking about what it meant and how to do it, and then one day at school I put down my pen, closed my eyes and asked Jesus to come into my life. I then opened my eyes and carried on with my work. My journey had began.
I have believed in God all my life – I was brought up in a Christian home – but it has been more recently that I have come to understand what I believe and why I believe it.

Made to think

I knew he had helped me through many things. I have held onto him for strength in the low times, and praised him in the good times. But I wanted to know God more – to understand why I believed in things. I wanted it to feel more real to me.
It is easy to accept things because you have been taught them all your life. This, I think, was happening with me. I knew what I believed but not really why.
However since being at university this has changed. I was challenged to think about what I believed. I had questions, and there were things I didn’t understand. Also having been attending the Christian Union this past year – which has made such a difference to my university life – I met people with a real passion for Jesus.

God reveals himself

I wanted to feel that same passion – to know Christ for who he is, to know God better, for him to be more real to me and in my life. Then at a conference this year, I felt that God was revealing himself to me – my faith started to make much more sense. At last I felt a passion for God that (to be honest) I hadn’t felt before!So something clicked for me. My faith is still growing, but I now understand so much more. My faith is no longer just an acceptance of what I was taught, but has become real for me. The Lord has shown me so much undeserved grace and forgiveness and he really does listen to me, answering my prayers. He is faithful and he really does love me.
And that’s simply awesome!

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